
Monday, January 3, 2011

Rearview Joy

I decided to take a look back and give thanks for the memories I was able to build with the people that matter the most in my life.  This past year took us on some thrilling (not in a good way) turns.  Even as I write this I have worries bouncing about.  Thankfully we have the capability as humans to look back and maybe sigh a little, tear up a little, but most importantly live a little joy all over again!

Greg and I celebrated 10 years of marriage on Dec 23rd.  Our life has taken some death defying drops  but I am amazed at how God is holding us together even though we drift so far.

I will always feel like that little girl with ribbons in her hair who had a mother who dared to love  me despite the mess I made!  (And continue to make!)

Every Christmas (except one) for the past 5 years we have had a new baby to welcome into our family.   They drive me to drink places I never imagined I wanted to visit- but the journey is worth it!

Happy New Year everyone!


Mining for Diamonds said...

I like that..."Rearview Joy"...good way to see it! It is good to look back and reflect on God's blessings even as we look ahead to what He has in store. Happy New Year!

Rebecca MacIntosh said...

haha! Oh you make me laugh!
Love Love Love the new blog look! Very nice Lady!
I want to see YOU more in 2011! xoxo

Unknown said...

Thanks for the photos! You are amazing Ms. Rebecca!

Unknown said...

That's an awesome title for this post. I loved the look back and the wonderful things that God has put in your life. Thanks for sharing it.